Snow Leopard Conservancy
Ensuring snow leopard survival and conserving mountain landscapes by expanding environmental awareness and sharing innovative practices through community stewardship and partnerships.
- Science
- Snow Leopards
- Community-based
- Conservation
Preserving the biodiversity of Central Asia’s high mountains
The Snow Leopard Conservancy works with local partners and herder communities on the front lines of preserving the biodiversity of Central Asia’s high mountains. We provide needed technical and financial assistance for community-based activities linked to stewardship and biodiversity conservation. Our programs build community ownership of projects, long-term self-reliance, and ecosystem health. We involve communities in non-invasive baseline research on snow leopards, their prey and habitat, blending western science with indigenous knowledge. We think Appreciative Participatory Planning and Action empowers communities to focus on their assets, successes and positive attributes instead of their problems and negatives. Our conditions for collaboration include linkage with biodiversity conservation; reciprocal contribution; participation; responsibility, and monitoring & evaluation.